tisdag 23 februari 2010

abc-Wednesday - F as in FELINE / abc-onsdag -F som i Feline

F is for feline, and that means cat. / F som i feline, ett latinskt ord som betyder katt.
Here are som pics of us cats: / Här ser ni några kort på oss katter:

Cajsa and Calle want to go out. / Cajsa och Calle vill gå ut.

Cajsa Cat goes out in the snow. / Cajsa Katt går ut i snön.

Calle Cat doesn't think it's a good idea. / Calle Katt tycker inte att det är någon idé.

He turns back and goes upstairs. / Han vänder sig om och gå upp till övervåningen.
Calle asks for help. / Calle ber om hjälp.

Mother opens the door and Calle can go in. / Matte öppnar dörren och Calle går in.

Calle takes a nap. / Calle får vila sig.

Yes, we're felines, but we are all different!
Visst är vi alla kattdjur, men så olika!

Purrs, / Med mjuk tass,
Sara Cat /Sara Katt
First commenter: jabblog

16 kommentarer:

  1. Very beautiful cats you are too. Monty and Winston Ocicat would love to meet you Fabulous Felines . . .

  2. A cute post for this weeks F word.

    On behalf of the ABC Wed. team, thanks for playing this week.

  3. Marvelous Feline post for the F day! I love it! What lovely cats they are! Love your photos! Hope you're having a great week!


  4. You can never go wrong with cats! I love your red one especially, they are the best.

  5. Lovely Feline Fotos! Who belongs to the pink kitty paw peeking at us in cat picture number three? LOL! It's my Favourite!

  6. we have one feline at home and her name is Molly :)

  7. Friendly and finicky furry cats. Great post.

  8. You have such fine furry feline friends!

  9. Very cute felines indeed.

    Really cute cats.


  10. Cute post for the letter F. I would stay in the house also!

  11. We have felines at our home too. Five of them! Thanks for sharing pics of your cuties.

  12. They are sweet! Your post reminds me of when I had cats. In, out, in, out, no-I've-changed-my-mind, out, in ... LOL!

    I like the translations! Thank you! :)


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På grund av de många besynnerliga kommentarerna som har lämnats på min blog, kan jag inte längre tillåta kommentarer från anonyma användare.
Sara Cat / Sara Katt