lördag 10 oktober 2009

Where are the PhotoHunt-pictures # 182, Sara? / Nå, var är fotojaktbilderna, Sara?

Yes, I know. It's Saturday today and today's PhotoHunt-theme should have been "Sports". But even though I gave her several suggestions as to different cat-sporty games that we like to play, Mommie didn't even bother to take the camera out of the case. Right now, I think my Mommie has spred herself a little too thin. She's working at an extra job and trying to make jewellery and still makes sure that we have food, fresh water and a clean litterbox.
We will just have to keep hoping that it will all work out.
Look, a picture of us!
Visst är det lördag idag. Och dagens fotojakt-tema var "sport". Men trots att jag kom med flera förslag om idrotter som vi katter tycker om, orkade Matte inte ens att ta kameran ur väskan. Jag tror att hon försöker göra för många olika saker. Hon arbetar extra och vill göra smycken och ändå ser till att vi katter får mat, färskt vatten och att toalådorna är rena.
Vi får hoppas på det bästa.
Titta det är vi på bild!

12 kommentarer:

Daisy sa...

Sometimes moms get very busy. We understand!

Sara Katt sa...

You have a good heart Daisy
Sara Cat

Alice Audrey sa...

Hugs to Mommy, trying to keep it all together.

The Florida Furkids sa...

We think your sport is synchronized staring! Yep - that's it!

Sometimes Mom's get too busy...it's up to us to keep them in line.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

dawn sa...

Well thank you for visiting Sara Cat. Now I came to visit you for the first time and got to meet you and hear about your mommy. I know the feeling with being so busy; some days it is just crazy for people.

LifeRamblings sa...

hope things will work out smoothly for everyone. happy weekend.

Pam sa...

Sometimes we all get very busy! Hope you have a great weekend and your mommy gets everything she wants accomplished.

Randi sa...

Typiskt för en matte...Sara, ni måste ha tålamod. Hon kan ju inte hinna med allt...så är det bara.
Sköt om er!

PS. Tack för dina mjuka tassklappar!

jams o donnell sa...

Ah but then again cats are olympic standard relaxers.. that could be a sport!

Annie sa...

Your cats are adorable! Hope things settle down for you soon. Thanks for visiting mine.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= sa...

Moms at times just get busy. You have to be patient with yours as she is working hard to give you food and shelter.
Love the photo.

BeadedTail sa...

We understand busy moms but at least they still take care of us! Being a cute kitty is sport in itself and you both are doing a great job at that!

parltradet - beautiful and easy-to-wear jewellery
