tisdag 15 september 2009

Cats on Tuesday / Tisdagskatter

Last time, when I showed you my outside garden-chair, I promised to show you more of our cat-napping places inside.
Förra gången, när jag visade utemöbeln, lovade jag att visa fler bra inomhus kattliggplatser.

Today I would like to show you our bedroom upstairs. This is where Mamma-Cajsa and I sleep at night or day. This is a nice soft basket that Mommie made for her own kit, Elisabet, when she was just born.
Idag vill jag visa sovrummet där Mamma och jag sover både dag och natt, när det passar. Först vill jag visa en mysig sovkorg för människobarn, som Mormor gjorde för sin egen unge, Elisabet, när hon var nyfödd.

She was really tiny! But now she's bigger than I am! So I can use her old bed.
Mamma-Cajsa, being Cat # one here, gets to choose first.
Hon var verkligen liten! Men nu är hon större än jag! Så nu får jag använda hennes gamla säng. Mamma-Cajsa är katt nummer ett och får välja först, förstås.

An unmade bed is ideal for us cats. Be glad if your two-leggeds are not overly fussy and orderly. That's one of the reasons we like our Mommie: She thinks like a cat!
En obäddad säng är guld värd för en katt. Var glada om Era tvåbenta inte är överdrivet pedantiska. Det är en av anledningarna varför vi gillar Mormor: Hon tänker som en katt!

Pardon this last shot; it's sort of out of focus. But you can see that Cajsa is happy there. Thanks for visiting! To read more stories from "Cats on Tuesday" please click here.
Förlåt att den här bilden är oskarp. Men visst syns det att Cajsa trivs där. Tack för besöket! För att läsa fler berättelser från "Tisdagskatter" ("Cats on Tuesday") clicka gärna här.

20 kommentarer:

Ingrid sa...

That's the best napping places ! Our beds are always squatted by a cat too, I think we have to buy some spare beds, lol !

Anya sa...

Its also my favorite place,
in bed with my Mommy :)))))
Kareltje =^.^=

Cindy sa...

Mommy is bed is the best to lay up against and snuggle.

Sara Katt sa...

Hello Gattina, Anya and Cindy,
Thank you for visiting and for your kind words!
We have more napping places to show, but I think for next time, we will try to surprise you all with something different, and show the rest of our sleeping spots at another time.
Sara Cat
::Cajsa is waving a paw Hi!::

Pam sa...

My Sassie also loves our bed! One morning I awoke to find her sleeping above me on my pillow.

The Creek Cats sa...

We just love an unmade bed!

Al sa...

Awww aren't they cute? Hey I remember I also got a basket, I kept it in the stuckroom, thanks for post and be reminded about the basket, now I'm getting it prepared for Prudence. Prudence loves rocking chair.

Unknown sa...

They are both such cute kitties! Happy COT.

Anonym sa...

You sure do have lovefurly sleepy spots! We really like that basket!!! Oh yeah, we left an award on our page for you guys today!

The Whiskeratti sa...

They look so comfy and happy!

The Oceanside Animals sa...

You are some very cozy cats!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

Cats do love unmade beds. They think everything is just for them. I loved the pictures.


The Island Cats sa...

That basket is a great napping spot!!

Unfortunately our mom is very organized and will not leave the bed unmade for very long...we just deal with it....

Split Rock Ranch sa...

Thank you for stopping by our blog today! Sara, your mommy looks so much like a cat we used to have named Pepe. She went to the Rainbow Bridge last summer when she was at least 17 years old. We got her at a shelter, just like we got all of our cats - all kitties in our house are former rescues, ferals or shelter cats. There's always room for one more cat here!


Ohhh feels like a nap coming on!
All those wonderful comfy sleeping
spots made me want to rest too and
with a purring cat by my side! :)
Happy COT!

Daisy sa...

Elisabet must have been very tiny! But her old bed looks extra-cozy, and I'll bet it smells nice, too.

BeadedTail sa...

Those are wonderful napping spots! They look so comfy and have made us so sleepy that we're going to go nap too...

Ginger sa...

My Snowflake is the only one who sleeps with me; she has her side and I have mine. I reach over during the night, and there she is!
Thanks for visiting my blog. By the way, she just tortures my boy Miles; she never wants where he is.

MonikaRose sa...

Hello and thank you for visiting. Great shots this week. THey always find the most comfy places. My last cat, who has past, always slept on my bed and under the doona cover, making a hill for everyone to notice :) Have a great week/end . Cya MOnikaORse

j sa...

I am typing from a room with three cats, two of which are on the bed (though the bed is currently made -- these cats love an unmade bed, too, and human chairs and the dog bed, and laps, etc. etc. for sleeping). I've been having insomnia problems lately and should start taking notes from our cats!

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