lördag 19 september 2009

Lördag: Barnvagnsstolen Borta! / Saturday: Pram-Chair Vanished!

Var är den? Och solrosen är ner trampad! / Where is it? And the sunflower is down!

12 kommentarer:

Daisy sa...

Oh dear! I don't see it anywhere!

Teddy Westlife sa...

Somebody stole the chair! Call the police!

Huffle Mawson

Anya sa...

Oops ..... its gone :(
Where is the chair ???

Juno sa...

Hello Sara, Calle and Cajsa! Thank you for stopping by our blog and left your cute paw prints on the guestbook. :) Ahhh.. your mom makes beautiful jewelley!!!

We'll add your names to our friends' list so you're only one click away from here! Hope it's ok with you.

Your new friends,
Momo and Pinot from Canada

Pam sa...

Poor cats! Where could your chair be?

Quill and Greyson sa...

Hi Sara and family! I'll admit I've lurked over here a few times. You avatar of Sara had us come on over. Tweet Week was just a little theme I thought of. Just for fun.

Feel free to come by anytime. Sorry about your chair!

BeadedTail sa...

Oh no! What happened to your chair?

Ingrid sa...

Poor baby ! humans always do senseless things ! where should you nap now ??

Anonym sa...

OH NOSE!!! Where is it??? Maybe it's in the "new" yellow building!

The Island Cats sa...

Where'd it go???

Juno sa...

Sara! Do you think you'll find a chair? We do hope so!!

Thanks for coming by and say hello to our human pup brudder!! You made him smile!

Momo & Pinot

Cats in trees sa...

Gone? Just like that? Awful! It is such a great garden chair. We tried locating it with google earth. But so far no luck.

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