For Fluffy Friday # 19 I thought I'd show a last glimse of the fluffy Easter bunnies before they return to storage, now that Easter is behind us.

Happy Weekend! / Trevlig helg!
Sara Cat / Sara Katt

Sara Cat liked to write. Her younger relatives, plan to continue to write. Sara Katt tyckte om att skriva. hennes syskonbarn, kommer att fortsätta att skriva.
9 kommentarer:
Ooooh what a cute fluffy Easter entry from you Anna, love the pic and the bunnies! I hope u and the kids had a good Easter and found lotsa eggs! Happy Fluffy Friday sweetie, hugs! :):):)
Love that orange bunny the best he he! :)
Thank you Mariuca!
The orange bunny has an unusual colour! The children and Anna have colds. Erik has had a fever for several days, so I wasn't sure we would get our "Fluffy" posted. Better late than never!
I'm a cat with a camera!
Sara Cat, filling in for Anna, who
says Hello and sends her love!
What a nice family of Easter bunnies. They are terrific. See you next year you cute bunnies. Have a great day.
Så många söta mjukisar du har - synd att de ska förpassas till en undanskymd vrå.
Önskar dig en riktigt skön söndag!
The Easter bunnies are too colourful and adorable. Did you make any of them?
Love the colors, especially the orange bunny.
Thanks for letting me know about the red cat blog also.
I'll try to remember to do a "fluffy Friday" post this week, I just came up with a perfect pic of Mango!
Cute! So colorful and fluffy.
Thank you for hosting my Entrecard ad!
I did a Fluffy Friday post!
I see that you haven't posted in awhile, hope all is well with you and the two-legged sister and brother.
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