An unexpected turn of events made it possible to visit and take pictures of Anna-Lisa and her kittens.
Helt oväntat, fick jag tillfälle att besöka och fotografiera kattan Anna-lisa och hennes ungar.

Helt oväntat, fick jag tillfälle att besöka och fotografiera kattan Anna-lisa och hennes ungar.

And here they are! (Sorry about the soft focus.
I did not want to use a flash, so this is a paw-held shot under a sofa.)
I did not want to use a flash, so this is a paw-held shot under a sofa.)
My two-legged brother, Erik, has already decided what to call the boy-kitten: 'Nils'!
Min tvåbenta bror, Erik, vill döpa pojkkattungen till 'Nils'!
Min tvåbenta bror, Erik, vill döpa pojkkattungen till 'Nils'!

This is Moa who lives next door. She is holdning the girl-kitten that my two-legged sister, Elisabet, wants to call 'Anna Mathilda'.
Här ser vi grannflickan Moa som håller flickkattungen som min tvåbenta lillasyster Elisabet vill döpa till 'Anna Mathilda'.
I am too!
Och jag med!
Purrs, / Nospussar,
Sara Cat / Sara Katt
Sara Cat / Sara Katt

6 kommentarer:
OMG! I love dis kitty cat, soooo adorable!!
And so pretty too, love the soft silky fur, meow meow! Happy Fluffy Friday Sara, love ur cat entry this week! :)
They are beautiful and adorable kittens!
Oh they're so SWEET!
They are sooooooo cute. Look at their little faces. Great pictures. Have a great Sat.
omg, I can't take all the adorableness!! How can you guys stand it??? SOOOO CUTE!!!! :D
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