This is Cajsa-Mamma, my real mother, taking it easy on the steps.
Här är Cajsa-Mamma, min riktiga cat-mor. Hon tar igen sig en stund på trappan.
Här är Cajsa-Mamma, min riktiga cat-mor. Hon tar igen sig en stund på trappan.
Thank you for advertising with me on my EC-widget from August 2nd to 8th. Please visit these fine sites:
Tack till alla EC-annonsörer under veckan fr.o.m. den 2a augusti t.o.m. den 8:e augusti. Besök gärna dessa fina sidor:
Tack till alla EC-annonsörer under veckan fr.o.m. den 2a augusti t.o.m. den 8:e augusti. Besök gärna dessa fina sidor:
Tuesday, August 3rd - tisdagen den 3 augusti - The Maaaaa of Pricilla
(I am giving this linky-love to Pricilla because she had her card on The Red Cat Society's widget the same day. If you know that you had your card here on August 3rd, please let me know and I will give you an extra link. I just did not have time to record who was in the widget and the information is now lost.)

(I am giving this linky-love to Pricilla because she had her card on The Red Cat Society's widget the same day. If you know that you had your card here on August 3rd, please let me know and I will give you an extra link. I just did not have time to record who was in the widget and the information is now lost.)

Wednesday, August 4th - onsdagen den 4 augusti - Broken Teepee
(I am giving this linky-love to Broken Teepee because she had her card on The Red Cat Society's widget the same day. If you know that you hade your card hereon August 4th, please let me know and I will give you an extra link. I just did not have time to record who was in the widget and the information is now lost.)

(I am giving this linky-love to Broken Teepee because she had her card on The Red Cat Society's widget the same day. If you know that you hade your card hereon August 4th, please let me know and I will give you an extra link. I just did not have time to record who was in the widget and the information is now lost.)

Saturday, August 7th - lördagen den 7 augusti - Cat Lovers Site
Sunday, August 8th - söndagen den 8 augusti - Meow Diaries
Thank you! / Tack!
Purrs, Med mjuk tass
Sara Cat / Sara Katt
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Sara Cat / Sara Katt
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