onsdag 9 februari 2011

D is for Dog - Mrs Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday - Round 8 - D

D is for dog. Here is one of my favourite dogs, Benzo, a huge but friendly Golden Retriever.

These shots are taken by his mother Kia who was baby-sitting my two-legged sister Elisabet when we had our first snowstorm on the First of Advent.

As you can see Benzo loves to roll around in the snow.

He was also very kind to little Elisabet.
Sara Cat

First Commenter:

11 kommentarer:

w0rkingAth0mE sa...

What a cutie dog love the snow too :) have time to see my D entry.
LINK HERE in my other blog.

Reader Wil sa...

Kaere Sara Katt, jeg liker alle dine bilder! Jeg liker hunder men også katter! Hilsener fra, Wil

jabblog sa...

Little people and big dogs are a wonderful combination - very sweet:-)

Carver sa...

Your dog is so beautiful and great shots playing in the snow.

Rajesh sa...

Oh! very cute.

Unknown sa...

oh, but Sara Katt, why didn't you go out with them?!
Great contribution for D-day!
HelenMac, ABC team

Barbara sa...

A big beautiful dog, lovely photos in the snow.

Roger Owen Green sa...

Sara- you are such an ecumenical cat. Accepting dogs!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Ingrid sa...

How cute ! you have your D (dog)day and I had my C cat day last week, lol !

Yoshi sa...

Your dog appears to be very smart and royal and your daughter is adorable!
Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

Nanka sa...

Love Golden Retrievers, they are so loving!!

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