Så här det: Vi katter vill gå ut. Men någon tvåbent person måste öppna dörren och följa med oss ner till bottenvåningen och öppna dörren. Vår närvaro eller frånvaro noteras sedan på en magnet-tavla.
Sara Cat liked to write. Her younger relatives, plan to continue to write. Sara Katt tyckte om att skriva. hennes syskonbarn, kommer att fortsätta att skriva.
7 kommentarer:
What a great system!
ps: I think your staircase looks really pretty.
Thank you Daisy! We have been unable to get on line for three days. And now my Mommie and her kids are off to a two-day music-camp, so I won't be able to write much until next week.
I am going to show you pictures of my cat-mother Cajsa.
Sata Cat
what a good way to keep track!!
Hi us4,
Oh, what a pretty or handsome cat you are! Excuse me for asking, but are you a boy-cat or a girl-cat? You almost look like me!
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment on our little system of keeping track of everybody. We used to have three little magnet-cats to represent all three of us cats, but the two-legged kits took them! They are a whole lots bigger that we are!
Purrs & soft paws,
Sara Cat
By the way folks, Have you noticed that we added a third photo? Sometimes my Mommie just does not have time. So now we see my cat-mother Cajsa scurrying down the stairs! It's a blurry photo too.
Purrs & soft paws
Sara Cat
Förresten, hej alla svensktalande missar! Har ni lagt märke till att det finns ett tredje foto nu? Min två-benta mormor är bra, men ibland hinner hon inte med det hon borde göra.
Fotot föreställer mamma-Cajsa på väg ner för trappan. En ganska suddig bild!
Mjuk tass!
That magnet board is a great system - that way no one gets accidently left outside. I will telll others about that! Thanks for visiting us!
Hi there! We saw your comment on Daisy's blog and wanted to say hello. The magnet board is a good idea to know what's going on.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
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