lördag 5 september 2009

Saturday, September 5th, 2009 PhotoHunt Theme: ORANGE / Lördagen den 5 september fotojakt:ORANGE

An ORANGE tabby kitten named Anna-Lisa sitting with the then three-year-old Elisabet. Anna-Lisa walked into our lives during a snowstorm in February 2008.
En rödrandig kattunge, det vill säga, en brandgul, ORANGE-färgad, rödgul-, ingefärsfärgad, apelsinfärgad kattunge, vid namn Anna-Lisa, sitter i den lilla treåriga Elisabets famn. Anna-Lisa kom in våra liv under ett snöoväder i februari 2008.


12 kommentarer:

RJ Flamingo sa...

Both subjects are beautiful, of course, but what a wonderful orange kitty! Perfect!

TinaW sa...

Thanks for stopping by RJFlamingo,
The little orange kitten, Anna-Lisa, lives with three or four other cats with my sister-in-law on the farm. I don't get to see her everyday. She is a real sweetheart. I'd love to take her home with us, but my husband has set a limit on three cats here in town. If I would have my way, I've have five cats here!
Tina (alias Christina Wigren)

rdl sa...

cute cat! and kid!


Two adorable oranges: one kid, one kit.

SnoopyTheGoon sa...

Yes, both oranges are lovely.

Have a great weekend.

Daisy sa...

What a beautiful shade of orange furs!

CRIZ LAI sa...

Wow! That's a beauty. I have not had any cat with that fur pattern before.


Cats in trees sa...

Apparently good things can come out of a snow storm.

Alice Audrey sa...

My first can from when I first set up my own home looked like that. It's been many years since he went, but I still miss him.

Cats of Wildcat Woods sa...

I have cats of all colors but no orange kitties! Anna lisa is beautiful. So is the sweet little girl!

Anya sa...

Wonderful shot :)
I am also orange .....
Kareltje =^.^=

Anya sa...

Hi sara
Yes we will visit you often.
They are not so many bloggers from europe ;)
Bdw Nice to meet you,
and THANKS for your visit
The most cat bloggers are from the USA ;)

Kareltje =^.^-
greetings Anya :)

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