tisdag 8 september 2009

Tisdagen-CAJSA / Tuesday-CAJSA!

Jag har lovat att visa nytagna bilder på mamma-Cajsa. Här kan ni se henne på trappan och på stenläggningen på gården och på gräsmattan där vi bor. Hon är inte dräktig, utan vi tror att hon har något fel på magen, varför hon ser så tjock ut. Stackars Cajsa. Jag oroar mig för henne.
Last time I promised to show you all recent pictures of my mother Cajsa. This is my mother on the porch and drive and on the lawn where we live. She is not going to have kittens. We think that she looks fat because something is wrong with her. I worry about her.


7 kommentarer:

Everycat sa...

Hello, it's lovely to meet you! You are all beautiful. Your Mother looks very shiny and well I think. It's interesting to learn about cats in Sweden. Our cat food is Swedish - Bozita! Yum!

Whicky Wuudler

Anya sa...

Its lovely to see your Mother Cajsa
she looks very beautiful :)
( I put your blog on my side balk than I can see your new post ;)

Anonym sa...

what a gorgeous black and white kitty! we would be honored to be one of your favorite blogs!

Sara Katt sa...

September 8th, 2009
Dear Whicky Wuuder, Anya, and CatLady,
Thank you for your kind words. My Mommie has older photos of us when we were just kits that I am hoping to be able to show here on my blog. But this means that Mommie has to take new digital pictures of them. I don't want to remind her too often about this because I know she has a lot to do. But I'm sure we will do it in a few weeks time. Let's all keep in touch!

Daisy sa...

She looks sleek and beautiful! I hope she is okay.

Cindy sa...

She is beautiful! I hope she is ok.

Ingrid sa...

Yes, she has a quite big belly, maybe you should go to the vet to find out what is wrong ?

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