It's Fluffy Friday today and I would like to show you some pictures of my brother Calle Cat. Here, it looks like the two-legged kits want to cuddle with him, doesn't it?
Det är dags för Dunig Fredag idag och jag vill visa några bilder på min bror Calle Katt. Här, ser det ut som om de tvåbenta syskonen vill gosa med honom. Eller hur?
Det är dags för Dunig Fredag idag och jag vill visa några bilder på min bror Calle Katt. Här, ser det ut som om de tvåbenta syskonen vill gosa med honom. Eller hur?
Naughty kits!! Poor Calle. How humiliating!
Stygga ungar!! Stackars Calle. Så pinsamt!

And he never bites or scratches. I would never put up with them!
Och han varken nafsar eller klöser! Jag skulle aldrig stå ut med dem!

Purrs, / Med mjuk tass,
Sara Cat / Sara Katt

6 kommentarer:
Calle is very tolerant. I would be under the bed, hiding.
LOL so cute Calle Cat sitting quietly while the kids dress her up ha ha! Love the pics Anna, Calle looks really big and gorgeous here. Happy Fluffy Friday and enjoy ur weekend, meow! :)
Awww, Calle Cat knows they're just having fun! He is very wise and understands children I think.
He's a very good boy!
Calle Cat is a good sport!
I have an award for you, Sara Katt. Please stop by to pick it up :)
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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