This is a view of my garden seen from the other side of the trellis. / Så här ser mitt uterum ut från andra sidan spaljén.
Yesterday was Fluffy Friday. I know that I am late, but Mommy was too busy blogging to let me have time at the computer! And now I have big news to tell: I won an award!
Sammy the cat, who lives with his mommy Duni over at Lovely Purses, has given me this Happy Cat award! / Katten Sammy , som bor hos matten Duni vid Lovely Purses har givit mig den här utmärkelsen "Happy Cat" d.v.s. "Glad Katt"!
Igår var det Dunig fredag. Visst är en dag sen nu. Men det beror på att Mamma höll på med att skriva i datorn hela tiden igår så att jag inte kunde använda den! Och nu har jag något att berätta: Jag har vunnit en utmärkelse! Sammy the cat, who lives with his mommy Duni over at Lovely Purses, has given me this Happy Cat award! / Katten Sammy , som bor hos matten Duni vid Lovely Purses har givit mig den här utmärkelsen "Happy Cat" d.v.s. "Glad Katt"!

Please visit Sammy here! Sammy's mom makes beautiful things out of fabric like all kinds of bags and purses! Thank you Sammy for this real nice award!
Besök gärna Sammy här! Sammys matte gör vackra saker som väskor av tyg! Tack för den fina utmärkelsen, Sammy!
Along with this cute award I must list 5 things that make me happy:
När man får den här utmärkelsen måste man berätta fem saker som gör en glad:

När man får den här utmärkelsen måste man berätta fem saker som gör en glad:

1. The green time of year when Mamma-Cajsa, Calle-Boy-Cat and I can sit outside in our special cat-garden behind the garage. / Den gröna årstiden när Cajsa, Calle och jag kan sitta i uterummet bakom garaget.
2. Hiding places. I like to play hide-and-seek with Cajsa-mamma and my Mommy. Can you see me? I even can hide behind this bicycle. / Gömställen! Jag gillar att leka kurregömma med Cajsa eller matte. Ser ni mig? Jag kan också gömma mig bakom cykeln.
3. I like rolling in this rag-rug. I think blue is a lovely colour that goes with my black and white fur.
4. Mommy says that I am a picky eater. But I do agree with Sammy. A wee bit of cheese now and then is nice ! / Matte säger att jag äter som en fågel. Men jag håller med Sammy. Det är alltid gott med en liten ostbit!
5.Sleeping in the two-legged kits old baby-basket at the foot of Mommy's bed. That makes me feel safe. / Att sova i de tvåbenta ungarnas gamla spädbarnskorg. Det känns tryggt.
¤ Taco and his mom Rebecca over att Cat health, care and advice to cat lovers
¤ Grrreta and his mom over at Grrreta
¤ Babe Cattykins and her 'hooman famlee' at Babe Cattykins
¤ Freya and Teego and their daddy-cat at A cat called Freya
¤ Mir/Wikki vid Wikipedia-Metros Mästerkatt
3. I like rolling in this rag-rug. I think blue is a lovely colour that goes with my black and white fur.
4. Mommy says that I am a picky eater. But I do agree with Sammy. A wee bit of cheese now and then is nice ! / Matte säger att jag äter som en fågel. Men jag håller med Sammy. Det är alltid gott med en liten ostbit!
And now I would like to give this "Happy Cat Award" to other cat-bloggers:
Och nu vill jag skicka vidare den här fina utmärkelsen för glada katter till:
Och nu vill jag skicka vidare den här fina utmärkelsen för glada katter till:
¤ Taco and his mom Rebecca over att Cat health, care and advice to cat lovers
¤ Grrreta and his mom over at Grrreta
¤ Babe Cattykins and her 'hooman famlee' at Babe Cattykins
¤ Freya and Teego and their daddy-cat at A cat called Freya
¤ Mir/Wikki vid Wikipedia-Metros Mästerkatt
Purrs, / Med mjuk tass,
Sara Cat / Sara Katt
Sara Cat / Sara Katt

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9 kommentarer:
Concatulations on your award! Those are all very nice, happy things!
Wat an adorable award Sara!!! Congrats to u!
So u like to play hide n seek eh? My cats love to play hide and seek with me too, esp when it's time to go inside their kitty condo, they'll surely run and hide from me he he! Happy Fluffy Friday, meow! :)
Hello Sara Katt - I really enjoyed learning about your happy things. Oooh...rolling around on the rug sounds and looks like a fun thing to do :)
many purrs to you from Sammy
Thank you very much for sending me the award! You are so kind!
Just to make sure you know, My daddycat helps us blog, not our mommacat! We have to look after him, as daddycat bloggers are pretty rare!
Freya & Teego.
Congratulations! That's one nice award! And thanks so much for sending this award my way, it is very appreciated. I'll try to post on it as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for giving us an award! We are very honored. Your baby basket looks very comfy to nap in. Those are very cute pictures of you.
After Suffering great and profoundly weakened SAHA BORIS dies at 8:00 am on 15/06/2010.We are desoled and are covered with sadness.
Congratulations! Your kitty certainly does look like a VERY happy cat :)
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