Fluffy Friday # 35 / Dunig fredag nr 35
Nils the kitten is climbing up Erk's sleeve.
Kattungen Nils klättrar uppför Erik's ärm.
Nils the kitten is climbing up Erk's sleeve.
Kattungen Nils klättrar uppför Erik's ärm.
Happy Weekend! / Trevlig Helg!
Purrs, / Nospussar
Sara Cat / Sara Katt
Sara Cat / Sara Katt
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Jean of
The Joy of Bird Watching and Living a Simple Life

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Jean of
The Joy of Bird Watching and Living a Simple Life

5 kommentarer:
Hi Sara, You have some cute litter mates and two legged friends.
Thanks for visiting my blog and offering to help catch that darn rat.:)
Thanks Jean. You're welcome to visit here anytime. Just let me know if your rat returns... I'll get my cat-mother Cajsa to help. She's a real rat-killer!
Sara Cat
Aww you have kittens of your own.. how awesome!!
Hey Anna, the kids really look like they're having a ball, what wonderful pictures. Happy Fluffy Friday everybody, meow! :)
LadyJava Hi LadyJava, Thanks for stopping by! These kittens will stay with they mother, Anna-Lisa, until sometime in September when we can take them home with us to Norrkoping, the town where we live. But the children visit Anna-Lisa and her kittens about once a week.
Mariuca Hi Mariuca, Yes, we sure do love the little kitties!
Boy you sure look cute next to Patrick Spunge-Bob. You are a child at heart!
Hugs & Purrs,
Sara Cat
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