Photo Copyright 2008 Lucasfilm Ltd/Paramount
Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood and Harrison Ford as Henry Jones Jr. in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood and Harrison Ford as Henry Jones Jr. in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
B is for brides. It's time to link up with Jenny Matlock' Alphabe-Thursday, round 2. This week's letter is B. My B-word is Brides, unusual brides. By unusual brides, I mean brides that don't fit into the general mold of being young and having a normal wedding in a church with family and friends in attendance.

Indy has returned!

In Raiders of the Lost Ark Karen Allen, as Marion Ravenwood, is very pretty in her white dress in Cairo.

But the young professor of archeology, Dr Jones, does not propose to her in this first film. She asks him out for a drink before they part. In the next adventure film, Indy has a different female protagonist. In Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, made 27 years later, Indiana meets Marion Ravenwood again and discovers that he has a grown son with her. At the end of the film he finally proposes .

Marion's and Indy's son is a sort of a 'best man'.

The wind blows open the doors of the church and Indy's famous hat rolls over to Indy's son. He picks it up.

But never puts it on. Indy walks by and takes it out of his hand.

My first exemple is the fictional character, Marion Ravenwood, who plays Indiana Jones love interest in two films, Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008). This first scene, from Raiders of the Lost Ark, shows Marion in a drinking contest in her own tavern in Nepal, just before Indiana Jones comes back in her life. Below, Marion and film-viewers, see a familiar shadow.

Indy has returned!

I knew you would come back one day.

The 'Bad-Guys' capture Marion, tie her up and hide her in a tent in the desert. But Indy finds her, but decides not to rescue her yet. He needs to find the Lost Ark first.

The Lost Ark is in a chamber buried under the desert. He finds it, but his adversaries find him also.

They take the Ark and throw Marion down the hole to die with him in the closed chamber. Marion's white dress is pretty enough for a party or as a bridal gown, but is impractical in a snake pit.

In the chamber where the Lost Ark used to be, there are snakes, poisonous asps, all over the floor. This is why Marion does not mine Indy holding her in this next picture.

And their wedding is the very last scene.
What do you wear when you are a widow or a divorcee getting married again after you have already have had a wedding with a long white dress in your youth?
Instead of a long gown, Marion wears a white skirt-suit with a hat with a short veil and large white beaded earrings.
What do you wear when you are a widow or a divorcee getting married again after you have already have had a wedding with a long white dress in your youth?
Instead of a long gown, Marion wears a white skirt-suit with a hat with a short veil and large white beaded earrings.

Marion dumps her bouquet in the hands of the minister and gives Indy a long awaited kiss.

Marion's and Indy's son is a sort of a 'best man'.

The wind blows open the doors of the church and Indy's famous hat rolls over to Indy's son. He picks it up.

But never puts it on. Indy walks by and takes it out of his hand.

This post is for Leslie, whose own story is an inspiration to me. She is like a real-life, Marion Ravenwood! Thanks Leslie!
Visit other posts about words that begin with the letter B at Mrs. Jenny Matlock's site.
Visit also Anna's B-post. Her B-post is also about brides with an example from the cinema.
Visit also Anna's B-post. Her B-post is also about brides with an example from the cinema.
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8 kommentarer:
That was intriguing! I haven't seen the later film. No passing of the least not for now.
I love that scene from the movie.
oh brides...something I will never do again.
We just watched this movie on Sunday - I love the Indiana Jones movies! I think Marion is a little dingy and wonder what Indy sees in her, but I am sure the same can be said about my husband and me! Fun post!
I think I'll have to watch this movie again. What would I wear if I were to do it all over again? Something terribly chic and probably green, as that's a WAY better colour for me than white.
I'm honoured, yet humbled at the same time. I really am not that much of a role model as my wedding has been put off indefinitely. Not to my liking, but...
Meoooowww, Miss Sara.
Might you tell us if that was a friend of yours in the other Bride post?
I suspect perhaps it is your special two-legged friend.
These links make me laugh Anna.
You are a clever and creative girl for sure!
I havent seen the second one I will make sure I do....
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