This is a themed writing meme.
You can use UP to 100 words (not including the prompt) to tell your story. You cannot use pictures to illustrate your story. It can be fact or fiction. The only restrictions is the prompt must be left intact WHICH MEANS you cannot split up the words in the prompt.
You have the entire week to link your work to the meme and you can link more than one story if you like.
Please display link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
I would suggest that since these are so short, if you can't think of a title just use your blog name as the title in the Linky.
Try to visit each one because there are some amazing writers participating in this meme. Since the links are so short they are also a fun and quick read.
"This is never going to come out," she thought as she scrubbed at the spot on the worn carpet.
This is my text:
You can use UP to 100 words (not including the prompt) to tell your story. You cannot use pictures to illustrate your story. It can be fact or fiction. The only restrictions is the prompt must be left intact WHICH MEANS you cannot split up the words in the prompt.
You have the entire week to link your work to the meme and you can link more than one story if you like.
Please display link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
I would suggest that since these are so short, if you can't think of a title just use your blog name as the title in the Linky.
Try to visit each one because there are some amazing writers participating in this meme. Since the links are so short they are also a fun and quick read.
"This is never going to come out," she thought as she scrubbed at the spot on the worn carpet.
This is my text:
"I can still smell it", said Rebecca, kneeling with her nose just inches above the floor.
"Pity, it was an heirloom from Grandma, genuine Persian," lamented Cathy.
"Well, let's try some of this special soap that Peter at Pet Palace recommended," Rebecca replied, opening a bottle and dabbing a quantiy of a liquid onto a sponge.
"This is never going to come out," she thought as she scrubbed at the spot on the worn carpet.
Anna-Matilda, the new red-striped kitten, looked on, shaking and cowering, hidden under the antique china cabinet, out of sight.
"Pity, it was an heirloom from Grandma, genuine Persian," lamented Cathy.
"Well, let's try some of this special soap that Peter at Pet Palace recommended," Rebecca replied, opening a bottle and dabbing a quantiy of a liquid onto a sponge.
"This is never going to come out," she thought as she scrubbed at the spot on the worn carpet.
Anna-Matilda, the new red-striped kitten, looked on, shaking and cowering, hidden under the antique china cabinet, out of sight.
Sara Cat/Sara Katt
First Commenter: /
Den första kommentaren lämnades av:
Kat of

Visit other Saturday Centus participants at this site.
Here's a Swedish translation of this writing exercise:
Här följer en svensköversättning av skrivövningen:
Sara Cat/Sara Katt
First Commenter: /
Den första kommentaren lämnades av:
Kat of

Visit other Saturday Centus participants at this site.
Here's a Swedish translation of this writing exercise:
Här följer en svensköversättning av skrivövningen:
"Det luktar fortfarande", sade Rebecka, när hon stod på knä med näsan bara några centimeter ovanför golvet.
"Så synd. Det var en verklig släktklenod efter mormor. Äkta persisk matta," klagade Katarina.
"Men då får vi pröva det här nya rengöringsmedlet som Peter på Djurmagasinet rekommenderade", svarade Rebecka, när hon öppnade flaskan och hällde en skvätt vätska på tvättsvampen. "Det här kommer aldrig att försvinna", tänkte hon och gned fläcken på den slitna mattan.
Anna-Matilda, den nya rödrandiga kattungen, tittade ängsligt och darrande på, där hon stod gömd under porslinsskåpet, utom synhåll.
------"Så synd. Det var en verklig släktklenod efter mormor. Äkta persisk matta," klagade Katarina.
"Men då får vi pröva det här nya rengöringsmedlet som Peter på Djurmagasinet rekommenderade", svarade Rebecka, när hon öppnade flaskan och hällde en skvätt vätska på tvättsvampen. "Det här kommer aldrig att försvinna", tänkte hon och gned fläcken på den slitna mattan.
Anna-Matilda, den nya rödrandiga kattungen, tittade ängsligt och darrande på, där hon stod gömd under porslinsskåpet, utom synhåll.
Meow!! Please leave a comment! To open the comment box, go to the end of the post and click on link with the phrase "Skicka en kommentar", which literally means "Send a comment". "Förhandsgranska" means "Preview". "Publicera din kommentar" means "Post Comment". Thank you for your patience!Purrs,
Sara Cat
Sara Cat
11 kommentarer:
Poor kitty, she probably thinks she's going to be banished! Cute use of the prompt, haven't we all had these sorts of stains to clean up at one point or another? And why do pets always pick the WORST place to have an accident? I enjoyed this.
Dear Kat,
Thank you for visiting and commenting! You are first and get an extra link!
Sara Cat
Unfortunately, I know this kind of stain but from a dog lol. Not very fun to try and clean up. Great Centus.
"Sara Cat Writes" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.
oh messy cat....
Sara Cat is quite the story teller.
I'm a bit surprised that she wrote about another cat making a mess on a lovely carpet. You'd think she's prefer tattling on a dog!
Thanks for linking. This made me smile.
To Kat, Viki, Terra and Jenny
Thanks for visiting and commenting.
I feel an explanation is needed here.
Actually, we cats are fairly good about 'doing our business' in a litter box.
This story is not a 'taddletale'; it is about a new arrival, a young kitten, perhaps a foundling who misses her mother and other siblings. She has found a 'forever-home' in a posh neighbourhood, yes, but I wonder if she gets enough love, understanding and attention.
This story is not meant to critise the kitten. She does not know the monetary value of an oriental rug. This story is really about the difficulties a cat or kitten can have when coming to a new home.
Please remember also that this is mostly fiction. I borrowed the name 'Anna-Matilda' from a red-striped kitten that we thought was going to join our ranks here soon. But unfortunately, neither little Anna-Matilda nor her brother Nils will be moving in with us. They will be going to another forever-home soon since they are already three months old now.
I am very upset about all of this, because I really looked forward to having a couple of new playmates. I have been thinking about writing a post, but my feelings are hard to put into words.
My brother Calle is actually the only one of us to pee on a nice rug, not an oriental rug, but a very nice Swedish woolen rug that was special in its own way. But after that, the two-leggeds took away all of the rugs, with the exception of a couple of washable scatter-rugs.
The floors are hardwood with shiny lacker. They are easy to wipe and clean if we spit up a hairball, which we do on a regular basis. Sometimes it's hard to control. Cajsa-Mamma threw up a huge wet hairball all over our Mommie's glossy fashion magazine. But Mommie never complains. She justs wipes it all up and never says a word other than maybe, 'Are you feeling alright, My Precious?'
We love her for that.
In this story, I did not have room to mention that little Anna-Matilda did not know where to find the litter-box.
Sara Cat
Dear FishHawk,
Thank you so much for featuring my site on your blog. The photo you chose was just fine.
Sara Cat
What a cute story! I have two cats and they are both an unending source of amusement and sometimes frustration, but always worth having around! This was a really great take on the prompt!
Love the imagery! Poor kitty.....We all have accidents. Why, just the other day, I wet my pants! Besides, except for the smell, spots on rugs are beauty marks from being used and loved.
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