Once more I am asked by my Mommie/Mummy to help out with blog-posts that I have not really planned to do. She has asked me to write something about a word that begins with the letter H, for Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday, and of course I would like to help her, since she is knee-deep in reading all of the titles that have been suggested for that little short-short story about Gloria Goodman for the letter G.
Here is my H-post:
H is for Home (That's the title)
I'm such a happy Catty,
What a lucky kitty, am I!
And do you happen to know why?
It's because I have a home,
my very own home.
I'm a happy cat with a Forever-Home!
I'm loved, the truth be told.
I'm never hungry, wet or cold,
I know where I belong, I have a home.
My Forever Home!
To all lost kitties, abandonned or forgotten,
Be you Persian or Cat-Mix, Angora or Coon,
Hope you'll find your Forever-Home soon!
Sara Cat
First Commenter:
Fraise Lachrymose
Please visit other H-posts here.

9 kommentarer:
Oh this navigating a different language site- I love it! And the poem!
What a fortunate kitty - and wise enough to know it!
I hope one day every kitty will have a Forever home. We are very lucky!
cute kitten.
Beautiful & smart! Great poem.
Nubbin wiggles,
Oh my word, you have one CLEVER cat! How nice to be loved in a happy home.
Sara, Sara! Meow, meow!
What a wonderful little poem and a happy stop today on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday!
Thank you for linking.
It is always PUUUURRRRRRfectly wonderful to read your links.
Sara the poet - you are so good at the alphabet. Such a lovely poem.
Sara Cat, your little poem is so sweet. It made me smile! You look so pretty in the picture and I am so glad you have found a furever home ♥
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