torsdag 17 september 2009

Torsdagen den 17 sept. 2009: Utemöbeln flyttad! / Thursday: Chair Moved!

Nyhet: Det är otrygget i tillvaron! Någon tvåbent har flyttat på vår trädgårdsfåtölj! Skandal!
News Flash: Nothing is sacred! Some two-legged person has moved our garden-chair! It's scandalous!

10 kommentarer:

Anya sa...

You have a problem,
but you can find that chair ;)

The Whiskeratti sa...

GASP! How DARE they!

Anonym sa...

The NERVE!!! We say you reclaim your territory!!! Go get 'em!

The Oceanside Animals sa...


Daisy sa...

I hope it will get moved back after the painting is all done!

Confucius Cat sa...

I'm shocked....Although the color he is painting your building is very pretty.

Sara Katt sa...

Thursday, September 17th, 2009
To all of you wonderful felines! Thank you ever so much for your support. We'll keep you posted as to later developments!

Purrs & nose taps from,
Sara Cat, with Cajsa-Mamma and Calle Cat

BeadedTail sa...

Unbelievable! What were they thinking?

Teddy Westlife sa...

Who would DARE move your chair?

Huffle Mawson

Pam sa...

How awful! How dare they!

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